Monday, January 17, 2005

New Purple Pincher has Changed Shells

It seems like my Purple Pinchers like those green turbo shells that I found at WalMart, because they keep changing in and out of them. When I came home last night, the new crab that I bought a couple of weeks ago changed shells into one of them and claimed it as his own. Since he changed shells he seems to be a bit more active than the previous week that I had him. I still have no name for him. I decided to name my Strawberry Crab, Sebastian, cause he reminds me of that crab from The Little Mermaid. He certainly likes to trash up the crabitat fast. I did a deep cleaning of it on Saturday morning and when I came home last night he had trashed it and dragged stuff here and there. Well at least he is having fun at my expense. Silly crabs. I still haven't found my little escape artist yet. I'm starting to get worried about him. I keep checking crevices around the apartment for him and I keep listening for chirping, cause he has been known to chirp when he is distressed. He chirps really loud too, so you can hear him over the TV or the radio. I just hope he doesn't wander too far or in an unsafe place, which there are many in our apartment. I heard that they eventually end up in the bathroom or the kitchen in search for water, food and humidity. So, I keep checking these places as well. AH! I don't know why I didn't crab proof the crabitat better. I honestly didn't think that he could climb up far enough to get out. The tank is very high and the only way he could have climbed up was to climb up the wire from the probe for the UTH thermostat, but I didn't think the wire was stable enough to hold a hermit crab, I thought they would end up falling down, but I was wrong. So, I moved the probe wire so it is under the glass top, that way the crab can't sneak thru the gap in the glass. UGH! Oh well, if I don't see him in a month, I'll be sure to smell him soon after. Yeah, sometimes it takes a month to find them when they get lost in your house. You think about it, they are very small and easy to miss if you aren't really looking for them. Plus Crabby is a fast little bugger, being that he is an Ecuadorian, he is a little speedy Gonzales when he senses a time for escape.


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