Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Deep Cleaning Day

This weekend I did my monthly deep cleaning and I ended up putting all three crabs in one tank. I figured that it was time for them to get acquainted with one another since I had a few hours to watch their behaviors. My PetCo crabs, Rigby and Pepper have been isolated for about a month from Crabby, just to make sure that they were healthy enough to be with him and because I haven't had a lot of time lately to let them interact in close quarters.

When I give them baths they interact in a big tub full of different shells, but they are more into the shells than eachother normally, so they hardly pay attention to one another and it is a much larger area that they roam in. It was a little different in the crabitat though. Crabby seemed more interested in them than they were interested in him, he was a little more aggressive about them moving in on him. Pepper seemed pretty interested in him as well, but Rigby got into the forrest bedding and decided to take a nap. For the past few days, Pepper and Crabby have been getting to know one another, doing the feeler fight thing and checking eachother out. So, far it has been friendly play and not hostile warfare between them, which is good, because they are around the same shell size, so I was really worried about potential shell disputes. Although they are two different species of hermit crab, so I really shouldn't have a problem. The difference in species usually means a different preference of shells, so I think they will be fine. That's all for now.


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