Sunday, June 06, 2004

More Hermit Crabs!

Now, I have three Hermit crabs. I have to isolate the two new guys for a couple of weeks to make sure that they are healhy enough to be in the same tank as Crabby. So far so good, they are active and have the full amount of legs. This summer I am going to build them a custom Hermit Crab tank, it will be my new project. How exciting is that? I think I might even make a multilevel one. Crabbing is such a fun hobby.

New Hermit crabs to add to the collection. This one is a small purple pincher, he just had a stress coat bath and now he is wandering around looking at shells for a couple of hours to see if he wants to switch. Posted by Hello

Here is the other Purple Pincher I got from PetCo today. He is about twice the size of the other one and a little bigger than Crabby. Posted by Hello

Here is the big one hiding out, being antisocial, he tried to pinch me at PetCo, but my palm was flat, so he couldn't pinch me if he tried. Posted by Hello

Here is my little buddy, Crabby, he gets to look and pick a shell today too. Equal treatment for all the Hermies. I went to WalMart today cause I was tipped off that they had a lot of good seashells in the crafts department for 96 cents. About 10 of them came in a little basket. To think, I was going to order them online from sea shell city for 20 bucks for the same amount and assortment. Posted by Hello

Here is the little purple pincher, getting used to the surroundings before he tries to look at shells, he's testing out the waters. I gotta come up with names for these little guys. The cute guy at PetCo who was helping me pick them out, said I should get one of the Jumbo Ones. I thought about it, but decided I would have to buy a bigger tank in order to do that. Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, im an owner of four hermit crabs, two being brand new and i was wondering if you had any ecuadorian hermit crabs because my new one is a baby eccie crab........ it would be pleasing if you could give me some advice on how to care for eccies. also, where could i find strawberry hermit crabs and how much work is needed to care for strawberries......thank you

4:39 PM  
Blogger astrocoz said...

I had one Ecuadorian hermit crab and it was very difficult to take care of. I think I had him for about a year, he was my first hermit crab too! Brackish water is extremely important for these little guys...they will die without it.

Humidity levels must be maintained with precision...they are used to living in places more tropical than Florida. Because of humidity levels, you also have to keep a close eye on mold problems. To help maintain humidity, I would use moist Hermit Crab can find it in any large chain petstore, like Petco or PetsMart.

Strawberry hermit Crabs are pretty easy to find. I found mine at a Petco. Strawberries are a bit difficult to take care of, but if you get them rather large, they are hardy and easier to take care of. I would go about taking care of a Strawberry like taking care of an Ecuadorian. Basically, I found Ecuadorians the hardest to care if you can keep them alive, everyone else is gravy. The easiest to take care of are the Purple Pinchers.

A note about all hermit crabs, do not buy the ones with painted shells. They are generally unhealthy...what they do to the crabs to get them in the painted shells, causes them irreversible stress.

Of course, always look at the surroundings of the crabs you are about to buy...if there are dead crabs, naked crabs, or crabs with little bugs crawling on them in the tank, do not buy any crabs. If the tank looks dirty, moldy, has a smell to it, or it looks like no one has maintained it in a few days, refrain from buying.

Hope that helps you out!

9:08 PM  

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